Calgary Low Back Pain Sufferers Find Relief With Chiropractic Therapy Naturally

By Clayton Lafromboise

The back is abused in many ways, including improper lifting, poor posture, and a lack of exercise. After years of abuse, the back becomes more prone to injury. In particular, the lower back is most vulnerable and when injuries occur the results are often painful. A Calgary chiropractor uses spinal adjustments and other techniques to help the injuries to heal and reduce the chances of pain returning.

Facet syndrome is one common cause of back pain. This strain of the back often occurs after a sudden movement and makes it difficult to move. It is associated with stiffness and pain that often causes the individual to lean to the left or right until healing occurs.

Another sudden injury leading to back pain is Sacroiliac syndrome. The injury comes as a sudden pain experienced in one's hip. With this excruciating pain, changing positions becomes difficult. While the condition is felt in the hip, the problem is actually in the lower spine.

The pain of a herniated disc is often caused by long term wear and tear, but may come on suddenly. In addition to the severe pain in the sufferer's back, he may experience pain in his legs. This condition takes time to develop and often requires several weeks of therapy to get better.

While scoliosis causes the sufferer little pain, it can have long term effects that are very significant for the individual. All children should be screened for the condition after age ten. Your chiropractic doctor can provide the screening or teach you the proper technique to screen your child for this condition.

Lower back pain may be an indicator of a serious condition. Sufferers often find life much more difficult. Even if the pain subsides, its underlying problems may remain, meaning the problem is likely to return, bringing additional pain. Therapy from a Calgary chiropractor helps to correct the underlying pain source so it is less likely to return.

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