Alleviate The Discomfort Of A Broken Tooth With An Emergency Dentist In Philadelphia

By Roxie Ocegueda

You don't have to suffer with the pain of a cracked or broken tooth simply because normal office hours are over. There are many professional that are willing to provide after hours care. This is why it is good to learn more about Philadelphia emergency dentistry services.

These providers understand that it is possible to crack, break or chip a tooth at any time of the night or day. This is something that can happen when there is tooth decay or other problems that compromise the structure of the teeth. After nerve exposure occurs, the pain can be nothing short of unbearable.

Teeth can be extracted when they are determined to be beyond the point of saving. Extractions do not cost very much and they usually entail very short recovery times. People also have the option of seeing their dentists in the future to seek out a feasible cosmetic repair.

There are also instances in which root canals can be performed in order to save the tooth by capping it. Even though these are more expensive than extractions, they keep the smile looking its best. These also help to preserve the integrity of the mouth and keep teeth from growing loose and shifting.

Underlying infections must often be resolved before extractions or other procedures can be performed. When this is the case, people will usually receive prescriptions for both pain medications and antibiotics. These will help to reduce the individual's discomfort until it is possible to have a long-term solution applied. This is usually the case if the tooth is sensitive to touch and the patient has a fever.

Rather than suffering while waiting for care, you can have your pain addressed by a reputable provider who can cap or extract your tooth. Timely solutions to problems like these are vital for preserving the smile. There are also essential for maintaining your oral health overall.

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