Funny Amazon Products - Top 10 Worst Baby and Kid Items For Sale

By Starr Matthews

Take a break & check out these crazy Amazon products for a quick laugh. Here are the Top 10 worst baby & kid items - these really are all available to buy on

Find inspiration from many gift ideas & recommendations on Bath Time Fun These presents & toys for babies & kids will ensure you never get caught without a great gift again!

$17,000 Pacifier (3 carat diamond & 14 carat white gold)

Perfect baby gift next time you are invited to the baby shower of Britney Spears, Jessica Simpson, or any other celebrity with more money than sense.

Be warned, there is some debate within the Customer Reviews about the quality of the diamonds, so you may want to investigate the cut, clarity and color.

BOB - Manages TV Time & Video Game Time

With BOB available to babysit your kid, now you no longer have to talk to them about their TV habits.

Is the parent who buys this really surprised their child would rather spend more time with the TV than with actual people?

Mommy's Helper Kid Keeper (aka The Leash)

Below are real excerpts from positive Amazon comments:

* My son's not thrilled about being tethered.

* The neck straps could have more cushion, as they press and dig into the child's neck if he falls or tries to hang on the leash.

Safety Helmet

The scariest part is how many parents actually buy & use these. Let the embarrassment begin.

Potty Training Urinal

For those inevitable times when your son is away from his urinal, see below for another Number One option.

Tinkle Tube - Toilet Aid

Great to keep in the car in case there are no bottles that can be used instead. How about pulling over to the nearest gas station?? And don't forget to purchase this together with the next product to protect kids hands from misses or spills.

Disposable Hand Covers for Kids

How about teaching kids to wash their hands with soap & water instead of turning them into Melvin Udall from As Good as It Gets?

Time Out Pad

Ideal for parents who forget kids are sitting in time out, as it has an automatic timer feature to remind them when it's over (can't say that's never happened to me!).

Saddle for Dad

Why only get one for Dad? Better yet, buy one for grandpa too - that should go over really well.

Love, Chic Baby - fragrances for little girls

Marketed as the "Ultimate in Luxury and Style". With Madonna & Tori Spelling listed as clients it could be branded the "Ultimate in Wacky & Tacky"!

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