Funny Speeches: How One Can Grow With Them

By Rob Sutter

I don't want to say that I'm one of those people who would rather die than speak in front of large audiences but it's still an unnerving thought. I don't want to be the kind of person who stammers while on stage while the crowd looks at him with indifference. I'm even scared of being booed offstage, which is something that I am sure has happened to people who frequent public speaking or performances. In terms of funny speeches, I've had moments of weakness.

I am pretty shy by nature, so you can imagine how intimidated I am by crowds. I don't like to speak a great deal and I only truly talk when it's most important. The issue is that speaking with so many people looking at you can oftentimes leave me speechless and I forget where I may be when going about a routine. The secret, as I've learned, is being able to cut loose in spite of the hardship that the situation may present to you.

There may be jokes that I believed were humorous but others may not have been able to see the humor. I like being sarcastic with my jokes, allowing certain things to fly under the radar and let others see the humor for themselves without being loud about it. I don't mean to be literal when I say something but rather I say it with a hint of playfulness. It's not a form of humor that everyone understands, though, which calls for certain adjustments.

As you can tell, I'm not exactly the authority on funny speeches but that didn't mean I didn't get better in time. Sometimes being able to learn from your mistakes helps to make you a better talker, which is something that I am sure companies like Laugh Staff will agree with. I was able to gauge reactions better as time went on and adjusting my jokes accordingly came about much easier. I'm not saying that I will perform on celebrity roasts anytime soon but to speak in front of people in general has become less intimidating.

Speaking to groups of many people has been laborious for me but the incentive was present. Basically, I had to learn and being able to get better in areas of speech and humor most certainly helped me. I saw the kinds of changes that worked and I tailored my matter of speech around them. No, speaking in front of people hasn't instantly become easy for me but it has slowly, but surely, became something that I am more comfortable with than ever before.

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