What An Accurate Tarot Reading Will Include

By Bertha Wells

Tarot reading has been an increasingly popular activity for many years. An astounding amount of people visit tarot readers for entertainment, to make life decisions or to gather a glimpse of what their future might hold. The key to obtaining an accurate reading lies in how skilled the reader is at reading the cards.

The Hollywood image of an older lady with gypsy style clothing is not necessary in order to insure your tarot reading is accurate. The theatrics of this type of reader may give the feel of accuracy, but many skilled readers wear everyday clothing like those who may visit them for guidance. In fact, most won't have a crystal ball and be set up inside a tent. The majority of these people work out of their own homes and practice this ancient art from their own kitchen table.

The use of tarot cards can be traced back to the early 18th century and has taken on many forms since that time. The main purpose has always remained the same though. These special cards are used in a way that can help a person make sense of all the things that have happened in their life. It can help reveal a connection between each of these events and provide information for predictions about the person's future.

The variety of deck styles is numerous but one thing remains the same among them all, the meaning. The meaning behind the cards in each deck will always be the same, regardless of what the picture might look like or what colors were used. If told otherwise, false information is being given and this could mean an inaccurate reading will probably be given.

When a tarot reading is being performed, there are dozens of different methods that can be used. The choice of method depends mostly on what type of information the person is seeking but preference of the reader can also play a role. For instance, love related questions may used one method and financial related questions might use a completely different method.

For instances where a person is seeking a quick answer to a basic question, a three card spread should be used. These three cards are chosen by the person seeking the answer. The three cards represent the person's past, present and future. This type of spread is suitable for many different questions. It can be done in only a few minutes and requires the least amount of cards.

For a more detailed reading, the horseshoe spread should be used. This type of pattern requires the use of 21 cards which are arranged in groups of three. Each group of three represents a different part of the person's life. These include the past, the present, the future, things that might be unexpected, those around you, obstacles you might encounter and the outcome of it all.

Another spread that can be used for an overall general view of a person's life is the Celtic Cross spread. This spread works much in the same way as the horseshoe but required the used of less cards. Ten cards are placed on the table in a cross pattern as they are read. The first and second cards represent the present and what problems the person might be encountering. The third and fourth cards represent the future. The fifth card represents the past. The sixth card also looks at the future, but further ahead than the third or fourth. The seventh card represents the state of mine the person seeking answers is in. The eight looks at how the people around this person might influence them. The ninth represents the person's hopes and fears. Finally, the tenth card represents the outcome much further in the future.

While there are many more methods of tarot reading that can be used, these are a few of the most common. Depending upon who is doing the reading, a person might see any one of these methods being used or a method that wasn't even mentioned here perhaps. Most tarot readers favor certain methods and believe them to be more accurate than others.

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