Twelve - Funny Halloween Costumes: Be the Life Of The Party

By Joshuwa Joshua

Funny Halloween costumes are often the characters we remember long after the holiday. The keep us laughing and stretch our imagination. The unexpected appearance of a simple keyword when frightful and terrifying is what we expect increases the laugh factor. There's no limit to the possibilities for humorous outfits as you can pull ideas from popular culture, from the internet or from old time cartoons. For a different slant you might opt for satire or present the other side of a political issue in a way that is hilarious.

Concepts can be hard to formulate. You do not want to do something that has been overdone and wind up looking like you just hopped on the bandwagon of unoriginality. Humor exists in just about everything, from current events to everyday life. You just have to find it and pull it free!

You might not be awed to see a woman dressed as Sarah Palin or Dolly Parton - but what effect is gained if a man cross dresses using one of those personalities. That would make the character unique, interesting and much funnier. What about a woman as Rod Stewart or Don King? The trick is presenting a well known figure in a slightly warped way. On Halloween, as with Mardi Gras, anything goes.

You don't have to use people as your characters. You can use wildlife, pets, inanimate objects - whatever strikes your fancy. Interplaying characters with your partner or spouse is a great idea. Imagine a husband cross dressed as a maid accompanied by his wife in a cat suit dressed up as a princess or rich woman. Any cat owner knows our cats think we are staff. A costume that looks like a book might have the title as ""The Story of My Life"" and be covered with rejection slips. A cucumber might be campaigning to become a Vlasic dill pickle. There's no limit to what the imagination can find when you let it fly.

You may not be fond of famous sayings you've heard many times but they are useful when creating a costume. Everyone else has heard them and knows what they mean so find a funny, unique way to use a common ad line or phrase.

The costumes in this category can get a little bit carried away size-wise. Keep this in mind when designing or purchasing a costume. If it's too huge to fit through the doorway, it is probably not a good choice to wear to your buddies Halloween party. Many people will arrive at parties and get togethers dressed for the occasion, but that is still no excuse for being intrusive because you had to wear the largest, widest costume you could find.

Humor has dark sides you might decide to use. Sarcasm or mocking of popular characters can be hilarious when viewed by the right audience. If you will be in public avoid words that might be offensive to people, don't wear a funny Halloween costume that mocks or derides any group of people. If your costume includes a full mask that hides your identify understand some stores will not allow you enter until the face covering is removed. This is security policy in many malls and businesses. If you are headed for a private party your costume should be one that won't offend other invited guests. If in doubt, ask the host or hostess for their opinion. Signs with strong language or funny costumes with sexual innuendoes won't be suitable for places where children are expected.

Many funny Halloween costumes can be created out of everyday items, if you have a creative eye. Take some time to come up with possible concepts, you may be surprised how many you think of. Try to keep it simple as well, the less complicated the design the easier it will be to manage and wear. Remember, gender boundaries don't apply at Halloween either, so consider ideas you may not otherwise! Funny Halloween costumes always stand as the most memorable of all. Edited by Svetchey Sanorols

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