What Your Cool Gun Tees Say About You

By Paul Whent

If you are an avid gun carrier or collector, then you've likely noticed that gun tees have become quite popular recently. You may not realize it, but not only does your choice of carried side-arm say much about your personality, but so does your choice of shirt...and many times the two are very much linked. The following are just a few examples that you can check yourself against.

People who carry around a .50 Desert Eagle are worried about two things: "Does my handgun have enough stopping power to bring down an angry assailant on PCP?" and "Will my handgun kill a small elephant with one well-placed shot?" Both of these burning questions are why you carry such a massive weapon, and your cool apparel says things like, "There is no such thing as 'enough firepower.'"

There are some of you out there who never like to be unprepared. You have one, or all, of the following items at your disposal: a food stockpile, a water stockpile, an ammo stockpile, and/or a bunker. You are confident you can escape any situation and you trust in your reliable SIG Sauer to see you through it. Your cool 2nd Amendment shirts say thing like, "It's The End Of The World As We Know It, And I Feel Fine."

Mr. Perfect is the gun owner who carried around a Model 10, not because he wants a flashy gun...but because it is perfect for practicing your shot and groupings. Mr. Perfect almost lives at the shooting range, but he knows one thing for certain: he's going to hit what he aims at. His cool tees say things like, "Gun Control Means Never Having To Say I Missed."

If you run around with people like yourself, then you have a friend who is the Gun Guy. The gun guy knows everything about guns, inside and out. He is an expert and he owns a gun locker that would make most ATF agents sweat a little. The Gun Guy carries a 1911. It can be bare bones, or have mother-of-pearl inlay. All he knows is that it's a perfect sidearm. His clothes say something along the lines of, "Triggernometry Professor."

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