What Is Laser Hair Removal?

By Cindy Ross

Having body hair is normal. It's nature's way of shielding people from microorganisms back in the prehistoric times when people wore few clothing and were exposed to dust and dirt. But today, people can do without hair on their body parts as they learned to live with a little more protection from bacteria. Men are more accepting of their body hair than females, though, as the latter consider it as an unwanted and useless thing that they must remove.

Perhaps it's the society's fault as an entirety that women apparently feel a little less attractive if they have hair on the face or hair on their body, such as armpits, arms, and legs. Whatever the reason is, many women would rather have their body hair to for good go away. Although try as they might to pluck it, shave it, or wax it, it's just impossible to eliminate hair for good. It will continue to grow just after a day or a week. There are other longer lasting alternatives, though. Laser hair removal is one of those options.

So how does laser hair removal differ from other methods? While shaving cuts the hair from the root, and plucking and waxing pull the entire hair, laser hair removal evaporates the root of the hair by using highly concentrated light. It does not provide permanent solution, but it lasts a great deal longer than other methods. Laser hair removal particularly seeks out the pigment of the hair follicles. The light doesn't harm the nearby areas, including the melanin, which has a lighter colouring, as the laser gets through the hair root.

The treatment, compared with other procedures, involves minimal and tolerable sting. Many patients describe it as similar to a quick snap of a rubber band on skin. A little inflammations around the area is expected, but it can be healed by dabbing topical ointment. A number of sessions are also required before the absolute effect can be seen.

Today, laser hair removal is considered a truly effective method in getting rid of unwanted facial and body hair. Because its effect is long-lasting, patients rarely have to use other hair removal methods in between processes and after finishing all sessions, which means that their skin is subjected to fewer traumas. Unfortunately, though, people with particular types of skin and hair, often those with really light skin and really thin hair, aren't suitable to be given laser hair removal. If you're considering this type of procedure, consult your doctor to determine if you qualify for this. And more significantly, have your hair removal and other procedures, like remove pigmentation and body fats, from accredited laser hair removal Singapore clinics.

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