Why Alcoholics Love Alcohol Jokes

By Christi Larsen

With some of the movies that have come out over the years, it would seem that alcohol jokes are still all the rage, and always will be. The fact is, these movies are sometimes glamorizing irresponsible and even dangerous activities. The joking that goes on at the bar, or the next morning, only serves to support this glamorization.

With the recent verdict against two young men accused of raping a sixteen year old girl, a great deal of information has come out regarding the irresponsible behavior of drunk teens. Not only did the girl make herself vulnerable by being intoxicated, but the boys did not seem to think they had done anything wrong. They literally did not see the big deal.

Even more amusing has been watching society act so surprised and shocked at this behavior. The fact is, many people experienced this exact same behavior in college. A passed out woman at a frat party could be viewed almost like a gift, and if there was no one watching out for her, it is not uncommon for a bunch of men to literally pass her around even though she was unable to express any real consent.

This situation is further aggravated by the reality that many girls do this to themselves, and then act like it is no big deal. Many girls in high school and college who are sexually abused while passed out will simply glaze over the experience as part and parcel of being at a party. This is an unfortunate way for young women to view the situation.

Many of these movies about drinking show drunk people doing stupid and dangerous stunts, and even injuring themselves. This stops being funny when you realize how often intoxicated people do, in fact, hurt themselves. Video sharing sites are actually full of videos of people doing ridiculous stunts while under the influence, and this is supposed to be funny.

An even more serious attitude problem becomes apparent when alcoholics make light of experiences while driving under the influence. These are circumstances where they have put other people at risk, and there is nothing funny about it. It shows a blase attitude towards putting the lives of innocent people at risk.

There is a time and a place for alcoholic beverages, and certainly adolescence is not it. Adults who continue heavy consumption well after college often find they have trouble keeping a job, and they simply stay in that college level of maturity. Bars and night clubs all over the world are full of these types of individuals, and after a certain point it is just sad.

The fact is, anyone who feels the need to make alcohol jokes should probably consider whether or not they are an alcoholic. One one hand these cynical comments might seem funny, but when looked at in the light of sobriety, they reflect a real tragedy. There is nothing healthy about an adult who accepts unacceptable or dangerous behavior from themselves just because they were drunk at the time.

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