Simple Ways To Treat And Manage Your Acne

By Steve Ian

Learning the best treatments for acne is the best way to get rid of it for good. You are sure to benefit from reading all of the valuable tips that are in this article. They are each beneficial in their own separate way. Read through each of them carefully and determine if these tips are for you.

Hydration of the skin is key to keeping it healthy and to help prevent acne. So make sure you drink lots of fluids and if possible splash your face with fresh water a couple times a day to rid it of the excess oil and any dirt that may be sitting right on the surface.

When choosing an over-the-counter medication to treat your acne, know what you're reaching for. For example, salicylic acid is a product which helps your skin to exfoliate quickly and also has antibacterial properties. This can help clear up the acne you already have and prevent new acne from forming which is a double bonus!

Get some sun! The sun provides valuable vitamin D for your skin and can help reduce acne. However, it is still very important to use a sunscreen while exposed to sunlight because while sunlight and vitamin D are helpful to your skin, UV rays are not, and can do more harm than good.

Keep your face moisturized while using topical acne products. Most acne products contain ingredients that will dry out your skin. A gel-based moisturizer will work well for those with oily skin, whereas cream or lotion moisturizers work best for dry skin. Some skin types (such as a combination of oily and dry) find using more than one moisturizer achieves the greatest results.

Water plays a large role in the presence of acne. If you are able to drink at least two liters of water on a daily basis, you are allowing your skin to be fully hydrated and this will shed the dead skin cells from your body in a more effective manner which lessens the amount of blocked pores that may exist.

Buying an oil-free, dermatologist-approved moisturizer is essential for reducing acne. With the right oil-free moisturizer you can experience smooth skin without the side effect of additional acne. If you do not use an oil-free moisturizer, there is a much greater chance your pores will get clogged and, thus, lead to a breakout of acne.

Investigate the potential side effects of any medications you are taking for conditions other than acne. Many medications have acne listed as a potential side effect. If one of the medical products you are taking appears to be causing your acne, ask your physician if there are any alternative medications.

An important tip to consider when concerning acne is to get a good amount of exercise each week. This is important not only for your overall health, but for your acne issues as well. Exercise helps to balance out your hormones which can be a significant contributor to acne issues.

Avoid caffeinated drinks to improve the effects of your acne-fighting regimen. Stress aggravates your acne condition. Whether you are stressed or not, though, drinks with caffeine in them cause your body to release the same hormones it produces in stressful situations. These hormones are behind stress's acne-inducing effects, so cutting caffeine out of your diet will reduce the impact.

A good tip that can help you get rid of acne is to remain patient. Treating acne takes time. It can take up to two months for acne to completely clear up so you should try not to worry about it too much. The acne will go away in time.

If you have deep, cystic acne, you may find that over-the-counter medications aren't very helpful. A dermatologist may prescribe Accutane for these kinds of cases. Accutane is a powerful medication that is taken as a pill, and generally is not prescribed lightly. If your doctor feels this is the right treatment for you, be sure to take it exactly as prescribed, and always report any side effects to your physician.

You are now prepared to take on the battle against acne. You are armed with some very valuable tips that have worked for many others. Take the time to try each tip to learn what is going to work out the best for your personal acne problems and you are sure to be impressed with the outcome.

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