Acne-Free Skin Is Within Your Reach Today

By Ian Jones

Acne is so common in teenagers that many people consider having a pimple a rite of passage. However, acne is not only a teenage thing. If you aren't doing everything you can to treat it, acne can spread, grow and stay with you for life. Don't fall victim to acne; use these tips to treat it.

If you are having difficulty with acne, it is important to expose yourself to as much sunshine and fresh air as possible. Sunshine causes your body to produce vitamin D, which is a crucial ingredient in healthy skin. Fresh air helps to reduce stress which also causes skin problems.

Use a cotton ball to rub apple cider vinegar into acne trouble spots to help fight infection. All types of vinegar are useful for balancing the pH of human skin, which contributes to its overall health. A good pH balance also aids skin's resistance to acne infection. Apple cider vinegar is particularly good for acne because it is all-natural and non-irritating.

If you are in a relationship, you may have outbreaks of acne due to the intense stress that you may be under. Try to limit the amount of times that you fight, to reduce anxiety and improve your face. Constantly worrying and stressing out are contributing factors in acne development.

If you cannot afford expensive acne treatments, then consider some budget-friendly at-home alternatives. For example, aspirin contains the powerful acne-fighting ingredient of salicylic acid. You can crush up a couple aspirin and make a facial mask to get the same benefits of expensive salicylic cleansers. Just be sure to consult your doctor first if you have heart trouble, since some of the aspirin can be absorbed into your skin.

If you have acne, wash your pillow case two or three times a week. You lay on your pillow every night. It can therefore easily absorb oil and dirt from your skin and become a growing ground for bacteria. Washing it regularly will help to keep your skin clean and clear.

Get some sun. Too much sun is bad for your skin, however too little sun can be almost as bad. Sunlight triggers the creation of vitamin D in your body, and this vitamin is crucial for healthy skin. Not only will you have an increase in vitamin D, fresh air and sunshine can reduce stress another culprit in the fight against acne.

Be patient when using natural acne remedies, such as tea tree oil. It takes a bit more time for natural remedies to work than chemical remedies; however, the end results are better and longer lasting. When you use natural remedies for acne, you are boosting your immune system to fight future breakouts. Additionally, your skin will be softer, healthier and more radiant after using natural acne remedies.

Take control of your stress. Excessive stress not only affects your life, it affects your skin. When you worry too much you can trigger breakouts and other problems. A healthy state of mind equals healthy skin. If you feel that things are getting too much, try to scale back your life and do things that you enjoy. You will see positive results in both your life and your skin.

When trying a new acne medication, a common mistake is to give up before it gets a chance to start working. It may take a few weeks before a product's effectiveness is apparent. However, if you've tried several over-the-counter acne products for weeks at a time and your pimples still haven't cleared up, it may be time to try other preventative measures.

Use cucumbers to combat acne. Many people already use cucumber to get rid of dark bags an puffiness beneath their eyes. While they do very little in that department, some people have had moderate success using cucumber slices to ease their acne. Try applying cucumber slices to your face while relaxing.

Vitamin D is an essential component of not only reducing acne problems, but also having healthy skin in general. One amazing and free source of vitamin D is the sun! Make sure you spend some time outside on a daily basis. However, do not overdo it as the sun can be a double edged sword. Staying out in the sun for an excessive amount of time and getting burnt is a cause of skin cancer.

As you can see, there are plenty of things that you can do to rid yourself of stubborn acne. Many people have followed these methods to great success in getting rid of their own acne. Apply these tips to your life and get ready to see a big difference!

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