How To Avoid Joke Explanation

By Dorothea Garner

Telling jokes is one of the best ways to break the ice in any conversation. Jokes can do so many things in a stiff crowd like gain rapport and make people comfortable with each other. Naturally, if one is funny, people will flock to him because they enjoy his presence. The thing is that when no one gets his joke, he will have to explain it which is disastrous. So in order to avoid a joke explanation, here are some tips.

Every person has the skill to become funny. One way or another, a person is able to make another person laugh. Being funny can also used when meeting new people because jokes can help lower the guard of a person. There are some people who are naturally funny while others are not. So in order to master this simple art, it will take a lot of practice.

The number one rule in being funny is to be energetic. People are attracted to those who are full of energy and enthusiasm. If one would notice, that would be the reason why comedians always jump around and move a lot on stage.

When making a joke, one must have to make sure that people can relate to it. A lot of the best comedians use experiences from their daily lives as jokes. By doing this, they are telling a funny story that people can actually relate to and therefore be able to laugh about it. If a person tells lame jokes or puns, not only will people not get it, but they might get annoyed as well. So tell stories instead of stale quips.

Of course the delivery is equally as important as the content. If the story was not told properly, people would still not get it no matter how funny it really is. As the first rule above stated, always be full of energy and enthusiasm, especially when story telling. Never be monotonous as it will just put people to sleep. Also remember to keep the story short and straight to the point.

Before one can attempt to tell someone a joke, he should understand first about the person. People come from different environment and cultures. What may seem funny to one person may not be funny to others. That is why one should always be a good listener. Ask a lot of questions about the person and adjust the jokes according to that person so that he will be able to understand.

If a person still does not get the punchline even after all these steps have been exhausted, then it is time to give up. To save some embarrassment, just change the subject. Do not wait for an awkward silence to arise as it will spoil the mood. Just pretend nothing happened and continue talking.

So basically, those are some tips on how to avoid joke explanation. By remembering these tips, one will at least save himself some embarrassment if no one laughs at his jokes. Do take note that not everyone has a sense of humor, so never take it personally.

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