The Arnold Schwarzenegger Six Rules Speech Explained

By Russ Howe

If you go into any gym and mention the six rules of life, you will probably be met with references to the Arnold Schwarzenegger speech given to Southern California graduates in 2009. The governor provided one of the most stirring life lessons ever recorded on camera for the newly graduated students as they headed out into the world and today we run through each of his inspirational points for you.

Before we get stuck in, it is worth pointing out that the rules given do not apply to merely bodybuilding, showing somebody how to lose weight fast or teaching them how to build muscle. They can be, and should be, applied to anything in life.

1. Trusting Yourself Is Paramount.

2. Break The Rules.

3. Don't Be Afraid To Fail.

4. Don't Listen To The Naysayers.

5. Put The Work In.

6. Give Something Back.

Let's take a more in detail look at each point so we can uncover the finer details of each rule to help you apply them to your own life.

Our first rule, trust yourself, is based around your judgement and your ability to have faith in your convictions. Confidence is huge when attempting anything new and if you don't have faith in yourself, who else will?

Break the rules is undoubtedly the most misunderstood of the six rules to success. The most common question we're asked about this is 'Is he referring to steroids?' and the answer is no. This speech is about life, not the gym. Breaking the rules is thinking outside of the box and the standards others have set for you. Be original.

Most people who fail do so because they have a fear of failure itself. This brings us to rule number three. Anybody who has ever achieved anything in life will tell you that they had their failures along the way and if you intend to achieve your success you will need to prepare for bumps in the road. It happens.

You probably know a few naysayers in your life right now. Maybe you don't even realize it. Think of the friend you would hate to be stuck inside an elevator with. You know, the friend who has worked the same job for a decade and complains every single day that they hate their work but does absolutely nothing about it. That's a naysayer. They like to tell you that you can't change anything either and drag you down with them. Cut those people off before they reach that point.

The fifth rule is the one which is the most important of all. Work your butt off. You can buy all the self help books and motivational speeches in the world but the bottom line of them all is do the work. You must do the work if you want to become successful at anything in life.

Which brings us to rule number six. Whether it's helping your community or just using your experiences to help others in life, you must learn to give something back. This speech could be seen as Arnold doing just that, by helping to inspire a new generation and drawing from his own experience to do so. A champion isn't measured by his personal glory, but by the number of people he or she inspires to change their life along the way.

Now that you understand the key points behind each and why they are often referred to as the six rules of success, you will be able to apply them far more effectively to your own life.

Whether you are pushing for a promotion or deciding upon a career change, the six rules of success could very well be the Arnold Schwarzenegger speech that changes your entire life for the better. Maybe you are indeed just looking to learn how to lose weight fast or how to change your physique, the rules will help there also. Now it's up to you to make it happen.

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