Hair Loss Tips You Must Know About

By Alan Redfern

Suffering from hair loss can be a difficult thing to put up with for both men and women. These days there are lots of methods available to combat hair loss so you are able to do something about it instead of just putting up with it. The information in this article can be used to great effect to help with getting back your hair.

If the hair loss is to be minimized a high fat diet must be avoided. It has been shown in studies that high levels of testosterone are released by a high fat diet. High levels of testosterone are known to be a major cause of hair loss. So the message is keep to a low fat diet rich in fruit and vegetables if you want to hang on to your hair.

Consider your diet to avoid hair loss. Increase the amount of proteins that you have in your diet. If you increase the amount of beans, eggs, sea food, sprouts, almonds, yoghurt, tofu and soy milk in your diet, the protein in them is going to make your hair and your scalp much healthier and reduce the risk of hair loss.

When you take a shower in the morning, make sure that you wash all the shampoo out of your hair. Leaving traces of shampoo on your scalp during the day can make your hair very brittle. Wash your hair with water for an extra ten seconds to reduce all traces of shampoo.

If your hair loss is affecting you emotionally you should search out some counseling. Professional help can assist you in dealing with the problem. What ever you do you must not let yourself become depressed. This would have the effect of raising your levels of stress which will in turn lead to further hair loss, making the problem even worse.

If you are concerned about hair loss, don't over treat your hair with chemicals! Over treatment can damage your hair and make it more prone to fall out. Even the simplest treatment - like coloring your hair - should be done by a professional, so you can be sure there isn't any damage done, or you don't leave the product on too long.

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1 comentários:

Ellen Sanders disse...

Having hair problems can be such an annoying thing, but luckily we can find so many good remedies... natural or not!
These are some nice tips, but personally, I think that I will must follow a hair restoration treatment, because I'm having bigger problems :(

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